
Rony Keppens

Fifteen Eighty Four


Author: Rony Keppens

Rony Keppens, author of Magnetohydrodynamics of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas 2019, is Professor and Division Chair at the Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He headed numerical plasma dynamics teams at FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics 'Rijnhuizen' (now DIFFER) and Leuven and frequently lectures on computational methods in astrophysics. His career started at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, and the Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics, Freiburg. He held a professorship at Utrecht University and a concurrent professorship at Nanjing University. His expertise ranges from solar to high energy astrophysics and includes parallel computing and grid-adaptivity.

Posts by: Rony Keppens