
Katarzyna Fazan

Fifteen Eighty Four


Author: Katarzyna Fazan

Katarzyna Fazan is Professor in the Theatre and Drama Department at Jagiellonian University and in the State Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków. She is Editor-in-Chief of the series Teatr/Konstelacje. Her book publications include Projekty intymnego teatru śmierci. Wyspiański-Leśmian-Kantor (2009), Kantor. Nie/Obecność (2019); and with Anna R. Burzyńska and Marta Bryś, Dziś Tadeusz Kantor! Metamorfozy śmierci, pamięci i obecności/Tadeusz Kantor Today: Metamorphoses of Death, Memory and Presence (2014).

Posts by: Katarzyna Fazan