
Fifteen Eighty Four

Academic perspectives from Cambridge University Press


Send in the Clowns

Paul J. Zwier

It is time to send in the clowns.  With North Korea’s new young leader falling into old habits of saber rattling toward South Korea, and with China unwilling to put pressure on it to come into the community of nations, it is time to send in a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) mediator.  The only trick is how to get the New Dear Leader to ask for one.  Would they ask for former President Carter, or Clinton, if they became aware of the possibility?  If only they would.

It is time to stop the vicious cycle of militarism from again robbing North Koreans of a chance at a better life.

NGO mediation can be a low risk high reward strategy for both sides.  In using an NGO mediator, the US is not “submitting” to black mail, and yet is exploring what it might take to wean North Korea from using nuclear threats to get resources it desperately needs for development.  Carrots can be offered in exchange for real movement on the part of the North Koreans to develop their economy for its population in general.  The US and South Korea can be brought gradually into a partnership with North Korea to help build infra-structures, educational institutions, and gradually open up its markets for the good of society in general.  These are win win solutions that can be explored under the cover of an NGO mediation.

It is time to stop the vicious cycle of militarism from again robbing North Koreans of a chance at a better life.  And President Kim Jong un has said as much.  His words, “It is time for North Korea to turn itself from being preoccupied with its own security, towards taking steps toward economic development.”  So it is time.  Send in the clowns.  It’s worth a try.



About The Author

Paul J. Zwier

Paul Zwier is the author of Principled Negotiation and Mediation in the International Arena: Talking with Evil (2013). Zwier is Professor of Law and the Director of the Program for...

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