
Fifteen Eighty Four

Academic perspectives from Cambridge University Press


I’m Sorry. No You’re Not!

A great summary of some of my best argumentative skills.

Nick Smith wants a better dialogue than this.

Flash Fiction reviews I Was Wrong, and gets right at the issues at hand.

“Alfred Kinsey’s work elevated the conversation about sex. Timothy Leary’s work elevated the conversation about drugs. Now, the philosopher Nick Smith gives us his thorough study of apologies, a work that promises to elevate the conversation about what it means to say “I’m sorry.”

I Was Wrong: The Meanings of Apologies exposes how contemporary gestures of contrition demand our critical attention. Smith, who teaches Philosophy at the University of New Hampshire, examines the significance of various forms of regret. From collective apologies for the holocaust to a pet owner’s apology for forgetting to fill his dog’s bowl, all remorse receives scrutiny. Smith writes with the learning and patience of a benevolent professor. His message persuades a reader that today’s public and private apologies are playing fast and loose with morality.”

Read the rest of the article at Flash Fiction >>

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