
Fifteen Eighty Four

Academic perspectives from Cambridge University Press


Trademark Abuse

David K. Levine

This post, from David K. Levine‘s Against Monopoly, along with the ensuing discussion, poses some questions:

Do trademarks represent an identity? What rights do we have to our identities, corporate and otherwise?

From AM:

“As you may know I am much more favorably inclined towards trademarks, than other forms of intellectual property. (Michele is less favorably inclined.) It seems to me a good thing that it is possible to tell who you are doing business with, and no downside monopoly. That may be the purpose of trademark law…but there is another part of creeping IP: the apparent right under trademark law to protect the image of your product. Daniel Monchuk directs us to an article in the WSJ about what seems to me to be trademark abuse. The article is about costume companies that are being sued by trademark holders for providing costumes based on trademarked characters. For the life of me I don’t see what this has to do with identity: there is no claim that these costumes are authorized by the trademark holder, nor can a costume based on a comic book be confused for a comic book. Perhaps Justin or someone else who knows more about the law than I do can comment on whether this is a proper use of trademark law as it exists. Certainly if the law allows it, then there is a big problem with trademark law.”

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About The Author

David K. Levine

Levine is author, with Michele Boldrin, of Against Intellectual Monopoly (2010). Levine is John H. Biggs Distinguished Professor of Economics in Arts and Sciences at Washington Uni...

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